Explora Academy - The Atacama Desert and Bolivian Altiplano
The world's driest desert and the largest salt flat are once in a lifetime experiences
The Altiplano bears a rare kind of geography; landscapes of color-filled lagoons, steaming geysers, peculiar rock formations, salt flats, mountains, volcanoes, and deserts
Find out more about the landscapes including natural geysers, hot springs and the clearest night skies in the world
Learn how the Moon Valley has been the backdrop for science and Hollywood as a stand in for the planet Mars
Learn about our Travesia, or ‘overland journey’ that departs from the driest desert in the world enroute to the world's largest salt flats near Uyuni Bolivia.
What to Bring
International Travel to The Atacama Desert and The Altiplano
8 Night Sample Itinerary Explora Atacama & Uyuni, Bolivia
10 Night Sample Itinerary Explora Atacama & Uyuni, Bolivia
Life Flourishes in the Desert
Sun, Moon Valley and the Stars - 5 day sample itinerary with Explora
Explorations - All The Activities We Offer
Atacama Lodge - Scroll through our short presentation
Client Profile for Atacama
Scroll through the private journey between Chile and Bolivia
Important Client Profile Information For Uyuni Bolivia
10 Night Itinerary Sample for Travesia Uyuni
Come Alive in The Desert and Altiplano - Quiz